A networking resource devoted to biological soil crusts and the researchers who study them. We will provide a means for international scientists to communicate, share their research, share important news and announcements, ask questions and find collaborators. We will also provide a space for informal writing on research, opinion, and ideas (now seeking posters!).

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Another biocrust blog

The symposium last week was excellent. In attendance we had crust researchers from 5 states, China, Spain and Colombia. We had a full morning and afternoon session with excellent group discussions. The morning session was actually full with many land managers in attendance. The afternoon session was mostly the authors, which was also nice. We followed this with our own in-depth poster session prior to the conference's official poster session. We followed this with some food, beer and wine, and bluegrass in downtown Flagstaff. Sincere thanks to everyone who was able to attend. I hope we can have some sort of crust conference somewhere every year.

I was so busy with it that I took exactly zero photos. I will try to rectify this situation by collecting other people's photos and posting them in the next few weeks.

One of my new friends from the conference and hopefully future collaborators is Trent Northen. Turns out Trent just started his own crust-dedicated webpage here. Check out his photos from the symposium and field trips in Arizona. I've asked him to also post on Geodermatophilia.

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